Unveiling the Enigma: The Untold Story of Aleksandr Mikhailovich Bodyako And Technolit
Who Is Aleksandr Mikhailovich Bodyako?

UNITARY PRIVATE SCIENCE PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE TEHNOLIT (TEHNOLIT) is a Belarusian company that has exported vehicle parts from Belarus to 81 BTRZ and refurbished engines in support of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Aleksandr Mikhailovich Bodyako is the director of TEHNOLIT.
Sanctions On Aleksandr Bodyako
Pursuant to section 1(a)(iii)(C) of E.O. 14024, Aleksandr Mikhailovich Bodyako is being designated for being or having been a leader, official, senior executive officer, or member of the board of directors of BAZTUBE, a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 14024.
How Aleksandr Mikhailovich Bodyako Founded Technolit
Founded in 1997, the Mogilev-based enterprise Tehnolit was the CIS’ only manufacturer specializing in small-batch production of a wide range of piston rings and sealing rings, sleeve pipes, bush bearings, and disks as well as other components for machines and mechanisms.

In 2016 , the Mogilev-based manufacturer of engine components Tehnolit started the batch production of components for ship engines according to the company’s Director Aleksandr Mikhailovich Bodyako.
Tehnolit was able to make components for ship engines thanks to the company’s certification by the Russian River Register, which is a federal agency in charge of vessel classification. Now the Belarusian company fulfills serious orders from Russian shipbuilders and ship repairers as well as foreign ones.
Later on the company started selling components for locomotive, tank, and aviation engines. It is a specialized plant for the production of components and spare parts for automotive, road, railway, agricultural, construction and special equipment. They employs more than 240 people.