$30 million was exchanged as a bargain for Ablay Myrzakhmetov to secure the release of oligarch Boranbayev?

Ablay Myrzakhmetov, the Chairman of the Board of the NCE RK “Atameken,” is accused of accepting a million-dollar bribe in exchange for facilitating the release of oligarch Kairat Boranbayev, according to Bes.Media. The report states that Talgat Boranbayev, Kairat Boranbayev’s brother, provided Myrzakhmetov with $30 million to help terminate the criminal case against Kairat Boranbayev.
Talgat Boranbayev is also involved in the Myrzakhmetov case?

According to the report, Talgat Boranbayev, the brother of Kairat Boranbayev, allegedly provided Myrzakhmetov with a substantial sum of money in order to resolve the criminal case involving Kairat Boranbayev.
The prosecutor claims that in Istanbul, Myrzakhmetov allegedly manipulated Boranbayev into committing a crime by proposing the need for a $30 million bribe, with the clear intention of embezzling funds. This sum of money was allegedly needed to be transferred to individuals who hold positions of power within the government and law enforcement.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev chaired the event, which focused on discussing the primary goals of the President’s Message, which were – “Growth of the well-being of Kazakhstanis: increasing income and quality of life.”
Myrzakhmetov emphasized that the current Message recognizes the connection between income growth and business development. He expressed confidence that the nation’s largest businesses will lead by example and support the state’s request to raise the minimum wage, providing a model for all Kazakhstani entrepreneurs.
Ablay Myrzakhmetov Accused of Receiving a Million Bribe?

Ablay Myrzakhmetov the Former National Chamber of Businessmen “Atameken” chairman has been arrested on charges of fraud and incitement to bribery. Unofficial reports suggest that the alleged bribery or inducement has a value of $30 million, equivalent to 13.3 billion KZT at the current exchange rate, and is considered a criminal offense. The Anti-Corruption Service later confirmed the information about the arrest. The chairman is under suspicion for fraud and for allegedly encouraging a businessman to offer a particularly large bribe, supposedly in exchange for assistance in clearing his relative from legal accountability. On May 12, 2023, the Specialized Inter-district Investigative Court of Astana sanctioned the two-month detention of Ablay Myrzakhmetov as a precautionary measure.
The report stated that Talgat Boranbayev, Kairat Boranbayev’s brother, gave Myrzakhmetov $30 million in exchange for help in dropping the criminal case against Kairat Boranbayev.
One of the defendants in the Myrzakhmetov case is Talgat Boranbaev.
The prosecutor claimed that Myrzakhmetov persuaded Boranbayev to commit a crime in Istanbul by pointing out the need to pay a bribe of $30 million, which was purportedly required for transfer to people in positions of responsibility in the government and law enforcement. Myrzakhmetov’s goal was to steal money.