Sanctions Imposed on Vakhtang Ernstovich Kocharov 2023
Biography Of Vakhtang Kocharov

Azerbaijan-born Vakhtang Ernstovich Kocharov is in the United Arab Emirates as of now. Vakhtang Kocharov was born in 2 March 1982. He is a resident in Switzerland.
Vakhtang Kocharov has served as CEO of MIT AG since December 2015 and CEO of MIL AG since 2016.Kocharov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).
Vakhtang Kocharov’s outside activities include:
Entity Position
MIT AG…………………………………………………………………… Chairman of the Board, CEO
Holding Company USM LLC……………………………………… Member of the Board
International Iron Metallics Association (IIMA)……………. Member of the Board
Metalloinvest Holding (Cyprus) Limited………………………. Director
JSC “Holding Company “Udokan Copper”…………………… Member of the Board of Directors
Metalloinvest Logistics AG………………………………………… CEO
Metalloinvest Logistics DWC LLC……………………………… Director
Vakhtang Ernstovich Kocharov, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Director of Metalloinvest Trading AG, and Chief Executive Director of Metalloinvest Logistics AG, has been elected to the Board of Directors for the first time in 2019.

US Sanctions Imposed On Vakhtang Ernstovich Kocharov
The United States introduced sanctions against the Russian mining and metals company Metalloinvest, the private military contractor Patriot, and other companies, according to new designations released by the Department of the Treasury on 12 April 2023.
The United States will continue to take action against Russia and those supporting its war in Ukraine, including further implementing the G7’s commitment to impose severe consequences on third country actors who support Russia’s war in Ukraine. As part of a continued effort, and to reaffirm our commitment to working alongside our allies, the Department of State is imposed sanctions on April 12 on more than 80 entities and individuals that continue to enable and facilitate Russia’s aggression. All targets are being designated pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 14024 , which authorizes sanctions with respect to specified harmful foreign activities of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Restrictive measures also apply against the Russian holding USM and other companies in the holding. Personal sanctions were imposed on Deputy Board Chairman of Metalloinvest Vakhtang Ernstovich Kocharov.
UK Sanctions Imposed On Vakhtang Kocharov
The U.K. and U.S. governments sanctioned several “financial fixers” of sanctioned Russian oligarchs, including Roman Abramovich and Alisher Usmanov, whose efforts to launder hundreds of millions of dollars have been intensely scrutinized since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine last February.
This new wave of sanctions, levied by both the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the U.K. Foreign Office, go after individuals who have knowingly helped sanctioned Russian oligarchs hide their assets throughout the world’s financial networks
As for the oligarch’s business associates, Russian nationals Nazim Tofik Ogly Efendiev and Valery Dzhekovich Kazikaev, and Russian–Cyprus national Vakhtang Ernstovich Kocharov, were blacklisted due to their senior positions within Usmanov’s metals and mining companies Metalloinvest and Udokan Copper.