Breakthrough Ukraine Sanctions on Businesses with Ties to Russian Oligarch Fridman
Companies with ties to the Russian oligarch Fridman are subject to restrictions imposed by Ukraine.

Ukraine sanctions on businesses Related to Mikhail Fridmen
On November 7, President Volodymyr Zelensky implemented the decision of the National Security and Defense Council to impose sanctions on nine businesses connected to Ukraine in one bussiness of Russian oligarch Fridman’s business interests in Ukraine

Strict measures are in place for the Sogeral Foundation, Haberfield Ltd., CTF Holdings SA, Slavisilla Holdings Ltd., and Dendar Investment Fund Ltd. These include capital withdrawal restrictions, asset freezing, and a ten-year requirement to increase the capital of their Ukrainian subsidiaries.

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Alfa Finance Holdings Ltd., Erasmony Ltd., Rissa Investments Ltd., and International Distribution Systems Ltd. all received two-year sanctions.
According to Ukrainska Pravda, “International Distribution Systems and Rissa Investments own the largest mineral water producer in Ukraine, IDS Ukraine.”
Fridman was detained in the UK in December 2022 and released on bond; he is still subject to international sanctions.

Investigative journalists discovered in May that his companies are providing military and political support to the Russian government during the continuing large-scale assault.
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The SBU declared in September that Fridman was being investigated for possible financing of the breakdown of constitutional order and the taking of power.
Despite the nationalization of Fridman’s Sens Bank in July, the oligarch continues to hold ownership stakes in bottled water producers Morshinska and Myrhorodska, as well as mobile operator Kyivstar, either directly or indirectly, according to the Ukrainian think tank StateWatch.