Viktor Medvedchuk: Biography of pro-Kremlin Ukrainian politician

Early Life and Education

Born on August 7, 1954, in the village of Shana in the Abakansky district of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Viktor Medvedchuk‘s family returned to Ukraine in the mid-1960s. Settling in Borovaya, Fastovsky district, Kyiv region, Medvedchuk faced rejection from the Higher Police School due to his father’s controversial past. Undeterred, he pursued a law degree at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University, graduating in 1978.
Career and Legal Involvements
Commencing his career in 1971 at the Kyiv Post Office, Viktor Medvedchuk navigated various legal roles, eventually leading the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine from 1990 to 2006. His legal career was marked by controversy, notably defending dissident poets Yuriy Lytvyn and Vasyl Stus. The trial outcomes led to accusations that he was aligning with the prosecution.
Political Career
Entering politics in 1993 with the Human Rights Party, Viktor Medvedchuk became a pivotal figure, advising the President of Ukraine in 1997 and serving in the Verkhovna Rada. He gained notoriety as the head of President Leonid Kuchma’s administration, earning the moniker “grey eminence.” Despite initial pro-European affiliations, he founded “Ukrainian Choice” in 2012, criticizing Ukraine’s European path.
Personal Life

In the realm of marriage, Viktor Medvedchuk has been through three unions and is currently married to Oksana Marchenko, a well-known TV presenter in Ukraine. They have two daughters together. Recently, Ukrainian forces apprehended him while attempting to escape house arrest, and he now faces charges of treason in Kyiv. Specifically, he is accused of selling military secrets to Russia and participating in the unlawful exploitation of natural resources in annexed Crimea.

Due to his close ties with Putin, Medvedchuk has a significant connection, as Putin is the godfather to one of his daughters. As a result, his assets have been frozen in Ukraine, and his wife, Oksana Marchenko, is now on the wanted list.
Wealth of Viktor Medvedchuk
Medvedchuk‘s wealth, detailed in the 2019 income statement, includes significant land holdings, houses, luxury cars, and a collection of high-end watches. His wife, Oksana Marchenko, declared a combined income of over 60 million hryvnia, with his parliamentary salary at 180 thousand hryvnia.
Association with Shevchenkivska Legal Consultation
In 1979, Viktor Medvedchuk embarked upon his legal odyssey by affiliating himself with the Shevchenkivska Legal Consultation of the Kyiv City Collegiate of Attorneys. During this epoch, he adeptly navigated through numerous high-profile litigations that would later emerge as pivotal junctures in his professional journey.
Repressed Poet Yuriy Lytvyn
Simultaneously, within that same annum, Viktor Medvedchuk took up the mantle of defence for poet Yuriy Lytvyn, a figure who, regrettably, succumbed to imprisonment after a conviction. Lytvyn, pointing fingers at Medvedchuk, accused him of inaction, attributing it to external forces. Despite Medvedchuk’s fervent appeal against the judicial decree, Lytvyn’s fate remained sealed.
Intricacies of the Vasyl Stus Trial
In 1980, Medvedchuk found himself thrust into the role of defence counsel in the trial of dissident poet Vasyl Stus. However, Stus purportedly rebuffed Medvedchuk’s advocacy, expressing discontent. The lawyer’s courtroom entreaty, chronicled in “Chronicle of Current Events,” cast shadows on his dedication to Stus’s defence, with insinuations that he tacitly acknowledged his client’s culpability.
Mikola Kuntsevich’s Legal Battle
In 1985, Viktor Medvedchuk encountered censure during legal proceedings involving poet Mikola Kuntsevich. Kuntsevich contended that Medvedchuk, in his role as legal representative, proved more detrimental to his cause than the prosecuting party. The lawyer’s plea to append a prior prison term to the impending sentence added fuel to an already blazing controversy.
First Parliamentary Tenure
Back in 1997, Viktor Medvedchuk stepped into Ukraine’s parliamentary scene, winning his spot in the 171st District of Zakarpattia Oblast through a by-election. He went on to secure re-elections in 1998 and 2002.
By July 1998, Medvedchuk rose to become the second vice chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, eventually reaching the position of first deputy chairman by February 2000. However, his time in office hit a snag in December 2001, marked by accusations of power impropriety, biased management of the Verkhovna Rada’s agenda, and protocol breaches.
Viktor Medvedchuk‘s early days in politics were controversial, with claims of using his position for personal gain and meddling in the Verkhovna Rada’s workings. Questions also arose about his closeness to the Kremlin.
Despite these challenges, he remained a notable figure in Ukrainian politics. He led the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (united) from 1998 to 2006 and served as the chief advisor to President Leonid Kuchma.
Despite setbacks, like his removal from the crucial position of First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Medvedchuk skillfully revived his political influence in the following years.
The Ukrainian public, however, had reservations about his ties to the Kremlin, a factor that continued to shape his political path.
His early time in parliament coincided with significant changes and challenges in Ukrainian politics. Despite the upheavals, he emerged as a significant and divisive figure, setting the stage for his lasting impact on the Ukrainian political landscape.
BIM Legal Firm and Ascendance in Bar Association Leadership
Transitioning into the 1990s, Viktor Medvedchuk laid the foundation for the prosperous legal entity, BIM. Concurrently, from 1990 to 1997, he assumed the mantle of president at the Bar Association of Ukraine, consolidating his sway in legal circles during a transformative period in political history.
By 1994, he aligned himself with the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (united), subsequently ascending to the position of its chairman until 2006. His foray into politics saw him secure a seat in the Verkhovna Rada in 1997, a tenure that endured until 2006, with him occupying influential roles, including that of the Second Deputy Chairman.
Subsequent Controversies
From 2002 to 2005, Viktor Medvedchuk assumed the role of the head of President Leonid Kuchma’s presidential administration. His affiliation with Viktor Yanukovych during the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election drew censure, with allegations of manipulation and clandestine maneuvers.
Trials and the 2023 Disbarment
Despite wielding political clout, Medvedchuk encountered hurdles, including his ousting in 2001 for perceived abuse of power. In May 2023, the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Bar of Kyiv Oblast rescinded his license to practice law in Ukraine, culminating in a protracted series of actions that commenced in 2016.
Post-Disbarment Political Resurgence
In the aftermath of his disbarment, Medvedchuk’s re-entry into the political arena remained uncertain. Despite suggestive inklings of a comeback in 2012, public sentiment, as gauged by-polls in 2013, reflected minimal support for a political faction helmed by him.
Viktor Medvedchuk‘s legal expedition has been punctuated by both triumphs and contentions, with his involvement in high-profile litigation sculpting the trajectory of his professional narrative. His segue into the realm of politics injected layers of intricacy into his public persona, eliciting a melange of admiration and reproach.
Euromaidan and Post-Revolution Activities
During the 2013 Euromaidan protests, Viktor Medvedchuk faced accusations of orchestrating events. Amidst Russian aggression in 2014, he advocated for a “peaceful resolution” without explicitly addressing Russia’s involvement. His involvement in humanitarian affairs during the conflict was met with scepticism regarding ties to Russian interests.
Sanctions and Legal Issues

Recent sanctions imposed by the National Security and Defense Council accuse Medvedchuk and Marchenko of financing terrorism, leading to the freezing of their assets, including planes and related companies. These events add another layer of complexity to his already intricate life and career, marked by legal controversies and political maneuvering.
Victor Medvedchuk, a close friend and the best man of Vladimir Putin, played a significant role in shaping the events that led to the clashes at the Presidential Administration in Kyiv on December 1, 2013. During the presidency of Petro Poroshenko, Medvedchuk remained on the sidelines of social and political life. However, as Putin’s godfather, he wielded informal influence in maintaining connections with Russia and its hybrid forces in the occupied part of Donbas. His efforts were directed towards securing the release of individuals unlawfully detained by these forces.
Regrettably, Medvedchuk actively supported actions and implemented policies that posed a direct threat to the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Ukraine. By aligning himself with forces that undermined Ukraine’s stability, he contributed to the erosion of its fundamental principles.
Further details about Sanctions on Victor Medvedchuk
Viktor has faced sanctions from the United States, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) imposed sanctions on Medvedchuk in 2014 for his role in undermining Ukrainian sovereignty.
These measures include freezing his assets and restricting his financial dealings. Ukraine has also implemented sanctions, freezing its assets, citing its ties to the Kremlin and alleged involvement in financing terrorism. The United Kingdom has listed him as a politically exposed person, resulting in additional sanctions. These actions stem from his close relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his alleged participation in activities that threaten Ukrainian sovereignty and stability.
02/08/2022 | United Kingdom |
17/03/2014 | USA |
17/03/2014 | Canada |
10/06/2023 | Australia |
19/10/2022 | Ukraine |
Viktor Medvedchuk, born in 1954, rose from a legal career marked by controversies defending dissidents to become a pivotal figure in Ukrainian politics. Initially aligned with pro-European views, he founded “Ukrainian Choice” in 2012, criticizing Ukraine’s European path. His close ties to Putin, who is the godfather to one of his daughters, drew scrutiny.
Facing charges of treason in 2023, accused of selling military secrets to Russia, Medvedchuk’s assets were frozen and his wife, Oksana Marchenko is wanted. His wealth, extensive legal career, and political roles, including heading President Kuchma’s administration, define a complex narrative. Sanctioned by the US, UK, and Ukraine, Medvedchuk’s actions are viewed as threatening Ukraine’s sovereignty.